Sunday, March 13, 2016



Since you are reading these lines, you certainly have interest in walking. The benefits of walking, a moderate physical exercise, to general health and well-being are not hidden. It is recommended that people should engage in 150 minutes per week of moderate intensity level physical activity. This translates to 30 minutes daily on a five day week basis. But can a leisurely walk or a stroll be considered?

Various people walk at different pace and may cover anything between 1 Km to 5 Km in this duration depending upon their intensity of walking. Researchers have determined a new method of measurement which is not based on duration or distance but on the number of steps. On a rough estimate about 100 steps per minute achieves moderate intensity activity. Therefore 3000 steps in 30 minutes can get people started on a meaningful exercise regime.

Not to worry if your current steps per minute is lower than 100. Make a start from whatever is your current level and slowly increase it by 20-30 steps per minutes every week. After having reached to thus level, do not get complacent and keep walking. The upper limit is 160-180 steps per minutes depending upon your physical and cardiac condition.

Here are equivalent of Steps per minutes of various activities for reference. You may choose alternate exercise regime in case you find walking boring or otherwise are interested in these activities.

Sitting – 30
Cooking - 61
Shopping - 70
Yoga - 76
House cleaning - 91
Table tennis - 121
Volleyball - 121
Bicycling under 10 mph - 121
Badminton - 136
Ballroom dancing (fast) - 167
Aerobic dance - 197
Roller skating - 212
Tennis (Table or lawn) - 212
Swimming (moderate) - 212
Hockey – 242
Football - 242
Basketball game - 242
Squash - 364


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